Sunday, August 27, 2006

Our Walker is 7 1/2 months old

Walker and Grandaddy

Walker is 7 and 1/2 months old now. Wow! how time flies. He is crawling everywhere. Grabbing at everything! Pulling up on anything! Clearing the coffee table in no time flat. Jabber! Jabber! all the time. (Imagine that?) He's full of smiles! He has four teeth now and constantly chews on all kinds of stuff! He is in constant motion. Thus our lives stay busy! To this day, he has only had shoes on his fat feet one time! I guess when winter rolls around we'll have to invest in some. His routine - well, some things he does during his busy day: up at ???? whenever he's hungry! He's especially playfull and sweet in the mornings! He cat naps at some point, gets rejuvinated and off he goes again. He LOVES being outside, especially when GD has him and they swing and swing and swing and swing and swing and swing. He will happily take a two hour nap as long as he can swing and swing and swing. How Granddaddy can stay put on the porch swing with the little man laying next to him for that long is amazing! He doesn't get that type of one-on-one here, but they love it! Walker lights up when Hunter comes around. He also tends to need momma a lot when she's around- that means "I need to see you, so don't go far. Three feet is too far!" He is a blessing to all of us!

1 comment:

  1. It was so fun to see Walker this past weekend. He is clearly brightens up so many lives. What a sweet, sweet boy y'all have!
