Saturday, October 17, 2009

I got the fever :) Deer season begins!

5:26 PM - doing the laundry, cleaning house.
5:27 PM - Four doe in the pasture seen out the sun room window.
5:30 PM wake up the hubby for work and get me a gun :)
5:35 PM Gun found, bullets found, loaded, safety on!
5:37 PM Open front door, three steps, sit on porch, look to the left, safety off.
5:38PM Boom! Down she goes! :)
5:38 1/2 PM Yippee! Adrenalin rush! Woo ha!
5:39 PM Husband smiles, says "Are you sure?"
5:43 PM Photo op!
The hubby must shower and get ready for work. Deer tagged, registered online.
6:15pm Hubby loads deer in back of truck.
7:15 PM deer to processing plant! All done.

Not a bad day of house cleaning!


  1. From Alex:
    You are so country! I love it.
    When can Aidan and I come down and go hunting?

  2. Joy,

    Has your hubby taught you how to clean a deer yet? If not I will be happy too.
